Water Softener Regeneration Instructions
Aqua Soft Water Systems Inc. Authorized independent Kinetico Dealer for Palm Beach and Broward CountyOur dedicated sales staff is here for all of your water needs to find the right water treatment options for your water problems and within your budget.
Regenerations and Backwashing Filters

Depending on your system you may or may not need to regenerate (Backwash) the filter on a regular basis. Generally regeneration needs to be done once a month, more for larger families or houses and less for smaller homes and families. Click on the link below for instructions on how to regenerate your filter (these instructions should also be in sticker form on the unit itself). Should you need a replacement sticker give us a call (561) 753-7700
Manumatic Carbon Filter
- Close filter outlet valve (see yellow label) located on upper left side where water pipes attach to filter.
- Move lever to backwash position (1) for 5-8 minutes.
- Place black suction tube on left side of filter into a gallon of plain bleach (not ultra or scented bleach).
- Move lever to suction position (2) then open suction valve (red lever at top of suction tube) by turning it left a 1/4 turn, draw up all bleach and then close valve.
- Move lever to rinse position (3) for one minute only, then move lever to service position and let set for 5 minutes only.
- After 5 minutes move lever to rinse position (3) and let run 10 minutes or until drain water is free of bleach.
- Move lever to service position and open outlet valve.
- Open suction valve 3-5 seconds to purge suction line.
Note: failure to regenerate filter monthly (or sooner) will necessitate premature replacement of filter material. Normal life is 1-2 years.
Iron Filter Regeneration
- Close valve on outlet side of filter (above lever).
- Add recommended (depending on size) lbs. of potassium permanganate to solution tank. Add 2-3 gals. of water (soft) to tank and stir good.
- Move lever to backwash position (1) for 10 minutes.
- Move lever to suction position (2) then open suction valve on left side of control unit. The suction is drawn out then close the suction valve.
- Leave lever in the suction position (2) for 45 to 60 minutes or till no color is detected at the end of drain line.
- Move lever to rinse position (3) and run 5 to 10 minutes to assure the drain water is free of any color.
- Move lever to service position and open outlet valve.
- Open suction valve 3 to 5 seconds to purge suction line.
Top Mount Taste & Odor Filter Regeneration
- Close valve on outlet side of filter (above lever)
- Add directed gallon(s) of liquid bleach to solution tank.
- Move the backwash position (1) for 5 minutes.
- Move lever to suction position (2) then open suction valve on left side of control until the bleach is drawn out the close the suction valve.
- Move lever to rinse position (3) till bleach can be detected at end of drain line. Then move lever to service position and let set for 10 minutes only.
- After 5 minutes move lever back to rinse position (3) and let run at least 10 minutes or until drain water is free of bleach.
- Move lever to service position and open outlet valve.
- Open suction valve 3 to 5 seconds to purge suction line.
Manual Taste & Odor Filter Regeneration
- Close valve on outlet side of filter (upper left side of filter)
- Attach a 5/8 or larger hose to drain valve and open drain valve Note: Drain valve is for regeneration only do not use for lawn etc…
- Turn lever on valve to BKW (backwash) and let run until water is almost clear (approx. 10 to 15 minutes)
- Turn lever OFF (leave drain valve open) and remove cap on top. Allow water level in filter to drain down about 6 inches
- Pour directed (different depending on size of unit) gallon(s) of laundry bleach in top opening and replace cap. FINGER TIGHTEN ONLY!
- Turn filter lever to SER (service) and let water run 1 minute. Turn drain valve off and let filter soak for 10 minutes maximum. (soaking longer that 10 min. can shorten the life of the mineral bed).
- Open drain valve wide open and let run until water is chlorine free.
- Close drain valve and open valve on outlet side of filter
NOTE: Failure to regenerate filter monthly or sooner if odor occurs can ruin filter material in less that a month or greatly shorten it. Normal life is 1 – 2 years.
Commercial Sulphur Filter Regeneration
To Bypass Filter: Close valve 1 and 6 – Open valve 2 and 3
NOTE: Turn valve clockwise to close or counter clockwise to open
To Regenerate:
Regenerate Monthly or sooner if odor returns
- Follow backwash instructions thru step 5
- Close valves 2 and 6
- Open drain bib 5 fully to relieve pressure then remove cap on top of filter. Allow several gallons to drain out bib 5
- Pour dirrected (depending on size) gallons household bleach in top opening and replace cap. (hand tight)
- Open valve 1 and allow drain bib 5 to run till bleach can be detected at end of drain hose. Then turn bib 5 off.
- Let filter soak 20 minutes then open drain bib 5 fully and let run till water is free of bleach.
- Close drain bib 5 and open valves 3 and 6
To Backwash Only:
- Close valves 1 and 3
- Open valve 2
- Attach 3/4″ hose to drain bib 5
- Open drain 4 fully and let run till water is almost clear (10-20 minutes)
- Close drain bib 4 and move hose to drain bib 5
- Close valve 2 and open valve 1
- Open drain bib 5 fully and let run 3-5 minutes
- Close drain bib 5 and open valve 3
Note: Failure to regenerate filter monthly or sooner if odor occurs can ruin filter media in less that a month. Normal life span is 2 – 3 years
Rebed Instructions (Carbon or Greensand)
Shut water off going to the house (ball valve left of tank)
- Turn 4-way brass valve lever to off
- Open brass hose bib on left to release pressure.
- Remove top black plastic cap and insert rebed stick, down into the opening until bottom of stick touches media
Filters: if you have one of these filters then you need to remove the valve & distributer tube and hook up a hose to the hose bib to pump water out - screw down rebed stick into opening, turn to seal.
- turn brass lever to service (SERV) to begin extracting media
- Slowly twist PVC pipe downward until media comes out of flexible pipe. STOP and stay at that position until water becomes clear coming out of the flexible hose. CONTINUE lowering the pipe again a few inches then stop again and wait for water to clear again. Repeat this process, lowering pipe a few inches at a time, waiting for-dark water to become clear.
- Stop at gravel base, pipe will rattle when you remove gravel – DO NOT REMOVE GRAVEL
- Remove rebed stick, drain water in tank by removing brass plug on the bottom, brass elbow near base.
- Once drained screw brass cap back into elbow using teflon tape
- Place a funnel into top opening and pour media into tank. Once done screw black cap back onto top
- Turn brass 4 – way lever to backwash (BKW) open hose bib on left side, fill tank to capacity 10 – 15 minutes to clear
If you have any questions, please call the office at 561-753-7700
of your media to be shortened and require it to be rebeded sooner.
Water Softeners
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Aqua Soft water systems provides residential and commercial Kinetico water systems, including water softeners, reverse osmosis filtration systems, and other water filtration devices for residential and commercial use.
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West Palm Beach 561-753-7700 - Boca / Delray 561-265-0555 - Broward County 954-727-0377