Last Updated on September 27, 2023 by Aqua Soft Water Systems

Is it time to service your water softener? You probably have a lot of questions such as “can I self-service my water softener”. Many home water softeners allow the homeowner to add salt and regenerate the softener. Learn about the service aspects you can do yourself and when you should hire a professional for help below. 

Tips for water softener keep

There are particular water softener issues that are best left to the professionals, but there are some tips you can use to help service your water softener yourself. Here are some tips for water softener upkeep:

  • Check for salt bridges

A salt bridge is a process that occurs when the brine tank becomes hardened with salt. Sometimes it can occur due to an incorrect amount of salt being added to the system, causing an overflow. Salt bridges cause the side of the brine tank to clog. The result is an ineffective system regeneration. The process of turning hard water into saltwater is halted. A regenerating process is needed for purifying your system so you need to check for salt bridges regularly and clean your brine tank when needed.

  • Check for salt mushing

Salt mushing is similar to salt bridges but can lead to more damage. To look for mushing, check the bottom of your brine tank for a salt buildup. The excess salt buildup will create a sludge. If you don’t clean out this sludge, your system can experience blockage and damage. If you see any signs of mushing, be sure to get your tank cleaned immediately to prevent damage.

  • Use the right salts

Using the wrong type of salt can reduce the lifespan of your water softener system. Salt is also needed to remove excess minerals from water to ensure your water is clean. You therefore need to be sure that you are using the right type of salt for your water softener. The salt you use needs to be specially designed for your water softener. There are 3 types of salt, namely rock salt, solar salt, and pellet salt. Find out with your manufacturer or an expert about the type of salt that is best for your water softener and how much salt is needed. 

  • Clean your system with a resin bead cleaner 

To clean your brine tank effectively (and to remove impurities from your water), you need to use a resin bead cleaner. You can clean your tank by pouring water softener cleaner into your brine tank and running a manual regeneration. Consult a professional about the amount of cleaner to use and the regeneration process.

Fixing your water softener

Your water softener system can last for years with proper maintenance. If you did not perform regular maintenance or if damage has occurred, you need to have your water softener fixed by professionals. Choosing to repair your water softener yourself is a risk, especially if you haven’t had experience with water softeners before. You can cause damage that will lead to more costs down the line or cause unfixable damage. A professional can perform several repairs and checks for you, reducing your stress and costs. Professionals come with tools, expertise, and advice to keep your water softener system working effectively for longer.

When to call a professional

It is recommended that you maintain your water softener monthly. This is something you can do or have Aqua Soft maintain it for you. Service maintenance by a professional ensures that you receive clean and fresh drinking, cooking, and bathing throughout the year. Here’s when it’s time to call a professional:

  • If your water pressure slows down
  • If your water no longer tastes as good 
  • If your soap does not lather as we as it used to

For more answers to questions such as “can I self-service my water softener”, call the experts at Aqua Soft!