Last Updated on January 19, 2022 by Aqua Soft Water Systems
Bottled water is convenient and many consider it to be safer than tap water. The truth is that bottled water is not safer. As a matter of fact, bottled water is not regulated by the EPA, however, tap water must conform to strict guidelines to protect consumers from water contamination.
What is the health risk? A bottle of water you consume may contain microplastic, which you take into your body when drinking it. A recent article written by Amy Martyn and published on highlights a study of microplastic concentration in bottled water. The research was conducted by Sherri Mason of State University of New York Fredonia. In the article, Martin states that Mason tested 259 brands of bottled water to see if they contained plastic particles. According the study, “Of the 259 total bottles analyzed, 93% showed signs of microplastics.”
That means that the number of people at risk of drinking water contaminated by plastic is rapidly expanding. Mason stated, “I think that most of the plastic that we are seeing is coming from the bottle itself, it is coming from the cap, it is coming from the industrial process of bottling the water.” So not only is bottled water harming the environment due to plastic waste, but it is also harming our health when we ingest microplastics.
So, what’s the solution to this problem? Consider installing an in-home water filtration system to remove contaminants from your water. Take the next step in eliminating bottled water from your life. Contact Aqua Soft to get a quote or schedule a water test.
Aqua Soft carries a full line of Kinetico drinking water systems, water softeners, Sulfur filtration, and whole-house water filtration systems. Find out more about Kientico systems offered by Aqua Soft including the Kinetico Premier Series, Kinetico Signature Series, Kinetico CP Series and Kinetico CC Series.
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