Does your water pass the smell test?

Does your water pass the smell test?

Most people take their water for granted. A sulfur smell (rotten egg odor) coming out of a well is common in South Florida. This is a gas trapped in the water and once it aerates becomes quite bothersome. In a municipal supply we often notice a chemical or Chlorine...
Water Safety, how safe is your water?

Water Safety, how safe is your water?

With deepest part of summer here, the excessive heat requires us to keep hydrated. What do you drink? It is recommended drinking 8 eight ounce glasses of water per day. The question is what is in the tap water you may be consuming? An excerpt from an article in the...
Doesn’t Your Family Deserve The Best Water

Doesn’t Your Family Deserve The Best Water

As people become increasingly aware of the benefits of purified water, the demand for equipment capable of treating both municipal and well water supplies continues to grow. As a result, Whole House Reverse Osmosis systems are becoming widely accepted. In certain...
Using soft water saves you money on soaps and cleaners

Using soft water saves you money on soaps and cleaners

Millions of people are going soft. They enjoy soft, conditioned Kinetico water every day.  That’s because soft water protects plumbing and appliances, keeps clothes cleaner, skin and hair softer, and saves you money.  With a Kinetico Water Softener in your home,...