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Aqua Water News

Authorized independent Kinetico Dealer for Palm Beach and Broward County
Our dedicated sales staff is here for all of your water needs to find the right water treatment options for your water problems and within your budget.
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Current Aqua Soft Water News

Click on any article below and read about the current news in Water Treatment Solutions from Aqua Soft your Authorized independent Kinetico Dealer for Palm Beach and Broward County.

Does drinking water kill COVID-19?

While drinking water is one of the healthiest things you can do, drinking water frequently is not an effective way to help completely prevent COVID-19. Reports that drinking every 15 minutes would wash any virus down the esophagus so it can’t get into our lungs. When...

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Drink UP! You’ll Sleep Better!

Drink up before you go to bed and you will sleep better!  Adults who get only six hours of sleep are less likely to be adequately hydrated the next day then those who get eight hours, new research says.  In later stages of sleep, more of a hormone that regulates your...

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We Offer Curbside Pickup!

We just want to assure our customers that we are doing everything possible to keep not only you safe but also keep our employees safe.  We still have curbside pick up.  It's really easy and you actually don't even have to leave your car.  Simply pull up to our office,...

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COVID19 Business Update

We just wanted to remind folks that even though our state is on a mandatory Stay in Place order that our line of business is considered an "essential"  and we are following the guidelines set forth by the CDC and Homeland Security in practicing safety not only for you...

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Consumer Affairs Accredited


Kinetico Home Water Systems

for Palm Beach and Broward County, you’re sure to feel and taste the difference.
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Consumer Affairs AccreditedFor All Your Kinetico Needs. Look No Further.
Get Worry-Free Drinking Water Today.

Aqua Soft water systems provides residential and commercial Kinetico water systems, including water softeners, reverse osmosis filtration systems, and other water filtration devices for residential and commercial use.
Ask about our 100% Financing, contact us today.

West Palm Beach 561-753-7700 - Boca / Delray 561-265-0555 - Broward County 954-727-0377